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How to Use Online Sermons

Some of the sermons from our services are posted on here for your edification.  They are available to either listen online or to download and listen later in mp3 format. We have tried to reduce the file size as much as possible in order to optimise download and storage space.  If there are any sermons that you would like at a higher quality, please contact Howard Philpott , Deacon, who will be able to provide you with any of the sermons on CD at a higher quality. 


Please feel free to contact Howard Philpott, Deacon, if you would like more sermons on CD and he will do his best to accommodate you.  Please note that the whole service is available most of the time and if you would like the whole service including hymns, reading and prayers on CD we will pleased to provide.  Generally these are free of charge.


We trust that the Lord will add his blessing to these sermons and will further His work.


By default the most recent 50 sermons are displayed, ordered by the date preached.  The most recent sermons are always at the top.  To listen to a sermon, simply click the on 'Play' button.  The sermon audio file will start playing.  You can use the slider to move forwards and backwards to get to a specific time point. 


Clicking the 'Download' button opens the sermon audio file in a new browser tab, from where you can download and save the file for offline listening. 


At the top of the sermons page are also a number of drop-down lists that allow to you locate a specific sermon (or sermons) by selecting only sermons from a specific year, month, book of the bible or minister.

Searching for Specific Sermons

At the top of the sermons page are four drop-down lists-of-values that allow to you locate a specific sermon (or sermons) by selecting a specific year, month, book of the bible or minister.  You can select values from more than one list to create specific search criteria.  The values select operate together.  Selecting no value from the list to search across all possible values.


There is also a text search field:  enter any KJV text string in this field and click the 'Search' button to find a sermon with this text.  You can click the 'Clear Search' button to reset all search field values.


Here are some search examples:


Example 1:  Selecting a name from the list of ministers will return sermons by just that minister.


Example 2:  Selecting a name from the list of ministers and a book of the Bible will return sermons  where that minister has taken a text from from that book of the Bible.


Example 3:  Selecting a name from the list of ministers and a year will return all available sermons preached by the minister in that year.


Example 4:  Entering a KJV text string and clicking 'Search' will return sermons with that text in.  In the example above we can see that two sermons are available where the the text 'every one that thirsteth' appears due to two ministers having taken the same text on different occasions.   The text search field can be used in conjunction with the other search lists to build more specific search criteria.


Colnbrook Baptist Chapel, High Street, Colnbrook, Nr Slough, Berks. SL3 0LY

©2023 Colnbrook Baptist Chapel

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